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Category All products Soundware Instruments Effects iOS Apps Vintage Synth Pianos & Keyboards Bass, Drums & Perc. Orchestral World Unconventional Sound FX Falcon Expansions
Advanced EQ, mix tool, and creative filter with 35 shapes, 10 modulators, and full multichannel support
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4 physically-modeled effect plugins including Delay, Flanger, Chorus, and Color, deliver the authentic sound of analog tape, from pristine to lo-fi and creative
A groundbreaking journey into physical modeling delivers 7 variations of an iconic optical compressor with modernized features
A modern, feature-rich phaser delivering exceptional sound quality and ease-of-use
A unique approach to spatial delay provides a wide range of charactered sounds with an easy-to-master interface
The next generation of a classic modulation effect delivers astonishing sonic clarity, modern controls and a fast and intuitive interface
Machine learning-based analysis with realtime component separation, delivers sophisticated controls in a fast and easy-to-use interface
Physically-modeled electro-mechanical reverb delivers stunning sound and versatility, capable of classic hardware sounds and beyond
Cutting-edge algorithmic reverb delivers stunning sound and ease of use, providing both extreme versatility and a light CPU footprint
The modern evolution of the classic rotary speaker sound. Gorgeous vintage tone, deep control and an expansive sonic range useful on any instrument
Precision multi-tap delay with extensive shaping controls, goes from subtle to extreme with elegant style and unrivaled usability